
Displaying items by tag: Tim Salmons

[Editor’s Note: Be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedigitalbits @BillHuntBits and on Facebook here and here. And you can help support The Bits by pre-ordering Blu-rays and other items from Amazon through this link.]

All right, just so you guys know, it’s my intention to review ID4, The Martian: Extended Edition, Star Trek, and Star Trek Into Darkness on 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray format as soon as review product comes in, but 4K product has been running a little late. Rest assured, though, I’ll get to them as soon as possible and to other titles as time permits.

Meanwhile today, our own Tim Salmons has checked in with a rare DVD review this week, featuring Shout! Factory’s recent re-issue of Mystery Science Theater 3000: Volume Two on good old standard-def format.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

[Editor’s Note: Be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedigitalbits @BillHuntBits and on Facebook here and here. And you can help support The Bits by pre-ordering Blu-rays and other items from Amazon through this link.]

Okay, folks… we’re closing out the week with just a little bit of release news and some new cover artwork too.

But first, I know many of you Trek fans out there have been waiting for the official word on Paramount’s new Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan - Director’s Cut Blu-ray, and I’m here to give it to you. The new BD, which streets next week (on 6/7), includes both the original theatrical cut and the long-awaited Director’s Cut in full HD, both remastered from a new 4K scan of the original film elements. And it looks fan-freaking-tastic. In fact, it’s more than fair to say that The Wrath of Khan has simply never looked better. The disc also includes all of the extras from the previous Blu-ray and DVD editions and adds a new 28-minute featurette too. RUN, don’t walk, to read my in-depth review here… and then to buy it on Amazon (for just $23) here!  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents
Friday, 03 June 2016 12:48

Pick-Ups for the Week of May 31, 2016

Welcome to a new edition of Pick-Ups!

Thank you for tuning in. This past week, I caught a screening of The Nice Guys and I’m happy to report that it’s one of my favorite films of the year. Movie studios need to ignore its not-so-great box office reception and continue to let Shane Black write and direct more movies, in my opinion. He’s done very few, and that needs to change because they’ve all been excellent, especially this new one. [Read on here...]

Published in Dailies

[Editor’s Note: Be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedigitalbits @BillHuntBits and on Facebook here and here. And you can help support The Bits by pre-ordering Blu-rays and other items from Amazon through this link.]

Afternoon, folks! We hope you all had a fine long holiday weekend. We’d like to send a special shout-out today to all those of you serving in the armed forces around the world, and to the families and friends of the same who have been wounded or made the ultimate sacrifice. Our hats off to you.

Now then, we’re kicking off the shortened week here at The Bits with a couple new Blu-ray reviews...

First up, our own Tim Salmons has checked in with a new weekly Pick-Ups review column, which begins with an in-depth look at a fascinating 1960s horror title that’s gone through its share of revisions and re-issues: Blood Bath, which is now available in a very nice new Blu-ray edition from Arrow Video. Do give it a look.

Also today, Jim Hemphill has offered his thoughts on Henry Hathaway’s 1954 Cinemascope western Garden of Evil, which stars Gary Cooper, Susan Hayward, Richard Widmark, and Cameron Mitchell. It’s now available on Blu-ray from our friends at Twilight Time. It too is worth a look on disc, so enjoy the review. [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents
Friday, 27 May 2016 15:51

Pick-Ups for the Week of May 23, 2016

Welcome to a new edition of Pick-Ups!

Thank you for tuning in. Sorry for my absence, but I’ve been on a bit of a vacation. My Mom came down to visit with us, so our focus was on spending some time with her.

While she was here, we did manage to catch Keanu and Captain America: Civil War at the theater. Both were enjoyable and definitely going out and seeing if you haven’t yet (I’m sure most of you have seen the latter movie by now). [Read on here…]

Published in Dailies

[Editor’s Note: Be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedigitalbits @BillHuntBits and on Facebook here and here. And you can help support The Bits by pre-ordering Blu-rays and other items from Amazon through this link.]

We’ve gotten a mini flood of 4K Ultra HD titles in today here at The Bits that are in serious need of reviewing, so I’m going to skip the usual news update in favor of getting a few of these done in a timely fashion. As such, here’s my look at Warner’s Creed on 4K UHD format.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

[Editor’s Note: Be sure to follow us on Twitter @thedigitalbits @BillHuntBits and on Facebook here and here. And you can help support The Bits by pre-ordering Blu-rays and other items from Amazon through this link.]

We’re starting today with two more new Blu-ray reviews here at The Bits. The first is Tim’s look at Piers Haggard’s 1983 horror film Venom, which is now available from our friends at Blue Underground. The second is Jim Hemphill’s take on Ralph Nelson’s Lilies of the Field (1963) from Twilight Time, another great limited edition catalog release.

Also here at The Bits today, our own Russell Hammond has updated the Release Dates & Artwork section with all the latest Blu-ray and DVD cover artwork and Amazon.com pre-order links. Please remember that anything at all that you order from Amazon (after clicking through any of our links) helps to support our work here at The Bits and we greatly appreciate it. It makes all the difference in allowing us to keep covering Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K news for you guys. So, thank you!  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents
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