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Displaying items by tag: Twilight Time

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We have a quick update on the BFI’s new restoration and Blu-ray of Napoleon (1927). It seems that Francis Ford Coppola and former Bits contributor and film preservationist Robert A. Harris own the worldwide theatrical rights to Napoleon outside the U.K. and France, and are working on their own restoration effort. Lou Lumenick, the film editor for The New York Post, contacted Harris about the project and received this reply: [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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Okay... we’re starting a new week with a new Tim Salmons column, featuring this year’s Halloween Hangover “leftovers”. Each day this week, Tim will be posting another Blu-ray review – just a few good titles that either came in too late to be part of the regular Hangover, or that didn’t make the cut for one reason or another. Today’s is a look at Twilight Time’s Count Yorga, Vampire. Do check it out.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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Given that this is Columbus Day here in the States, announcement news is a little bit thin today. But we do have a pair of new Blu-ray reviews for you.

Tim has posted his latest Halloween Hangover review, featuring Scream Factory’s Tales from the Crypt Presents: Demon Knight – Collector’s Edition, which arrives on Blu-ray next week (on 10/20). I’ve also posted my thoughts on Disney’s Tomorrowland, which streets on Blu-ray and DVD tomorrow. And if you check back tomorrow, I’ll have another Disney Blu-ray review featuring the Aladdin: Diamond Edition, which also hits stores tomorrow. So be sure to check back for that.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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Here at The Bits today, we’re rounding out the week with a pair of new Blu-ray reviews. Tim Salmons has turned in his latest Halloween Hangover review of Scream Factory’s The Sentinel on Blu-ray. And Jim Hemphill has a look a Twilight Time’s The World of Henry Orient on Blu-ray. Both discs are now available. Meanwhile, if you check back on Monday, I should have my review of Disney’s Aladdin: Diamond Edition on Blu-ray for you as well.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

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We’re kicking things off today with another new Blu-ray review. This one is a little unusual and should be more than a little interesting for Star Trek fans: It’s my look at Prelude to Axanar on Blu-ray, the 2014 proof-of-concept short film directed by Christian Gossett and produced by Alec Peters that launched the effort to produce the full Axanar feature film (to be directed by Robert Meyer Burnett and co-written by yours truly). Prelude to Axanar is now available on Blu-ray but ONLY as a perk for contributing $35 to the Axanar IndieGoGo campaign. You won’t find it in stores. But if you love Star Trek on Blu-ray, it’s definitely a title you’re going to want to add to your collections. Be sure to read the review to learn more about it.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents
Thursday, 27 August 2015 13:57

The Biggest Movie Story in America

I had to sit on maybe the biggest movie story in America. For a long time. And now that it’s been completed and is over, I’m shocked that the whole thing hasn’t been on the front page of The New York Times.

I’ve perhaps casually mentioned that I helped create (didn’t get in the way of) a film school here in Oklahoma City, actually at Oklahoma City Community College. The idea was, unlike film degrees that are based on watching and studying themes and points of view and reading scripts, the creative side, so to speak, to offer a technical, hands on degree program, why a community college was selected in the first place. And to enhance the experience, we got the finest equipment in the world – Avid editors and cameras and lenses and lights and then, through a lot of hard work from a lot of good people, here came the ultimate – a full end studio, built to the specs of an actual Hollywood soundstage. If another state funded school has a facility like this, I’d like to see it.  [Read on here...]

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We’ve got a couple title announcement odds and ends for you today…

First up though, our own Russell Hammond has updated the Release Dates & Artwork section with all the latest Blu-ray and DVD cover artwork and pre-order links. As always, a portion of any order you make from Amazon after clicking through our links goes to help support our work here at The Bits and we greatly appreciate it.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents
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