
Displaying items by tag: Tim Salmons

All right, we’re closing out the week with a new Blu-ray review and bit of additional announcement news.

First, though, just wanted to say thanks for your patience over the last few days. If I haven’t seemed quite as on top of posting new reviews and other content, it’s because we had a visitor here. You’ll recall that a long time Bits staffer, and our very dear friend, Barrie Maxwell passed away a couple of years ago. We had the pleasure of a visit this past week with his wife Sue. She came to town for the TCM Classic Film Festival, which is something that she and Barrie had wanted to do together but never got the chance to, and then she came down to Orange County and stayed with Sarah and me for a few days. We watched lots of movies, took her down to the beach, and just had a great time. She sends her best to all of you Bits readers, and wanted you to know how much Barrie appreciated that you enjoyed his writings on classic films here at The Bits and also hearing from you via e-mail. Anyway, it was a great visit. [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

We’ve got another Blu-ray review for you today: Tim Salmons has checked out Robert Rossen’s All the King’s Men (1949) from Twilight Time. Enjoy!

Also today, a couple of quick announcements…

First, we’ve finally got a look at the new Blu-ray packaging for Sony’s re-issued Breaking Bad: The Complete Series, which is due on Blu-ray and – for the first time – DVD on 6/3. You can see it on the left there. Here’s the best part: The SRP is MUCH lower. Amazon has the SRP set at $230.99 for the Blu-ray, plus 30% for a final price of just $160.99. Meanwhile, the DVD is $160.99 SRP minus 30% for a price of just $113.49. That Blu-ray price is less than half the $399.99 of the original BD set, so good news indeed for fans. Click on the links in the text (or on the cover art below) to pre-order. [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, we’ve got another new Blu-ray review for you today. Tim Salmons has turned in his thoughts on Luis Buñuel’s Tristana on Blu-ray from the Cohen Film Collection. We’ve got more reviews coming this week too, including a little something with hobbits in it, so be sure to check back.

Also today, our own Russell Hammond has updated the Release Dates & Artwork section with all the latest Blu-ray and DVD cover artwork and Amazon.com pre-order links. As always, a portion of absolutely anything you order from Amazon (Blu-rays, tires, power tools, computers – you name it) after clicking through our links goes to help support our work here at The Bits. So please use our links when you shop with them – we sure do appreciate it.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

All right, just a quick one today as there’s not a ton of news...

First, Tim’s turned in two more Scream Factory Blu-ray reviews for you to check out: The Incredible Melting Man and Witchboard. Enjoy!

Definitely the big release announcement today is that Warner Home Video has set Spike Jonze’s Her for Blu-ray Combo, DVD and digital release on 5/13 (SRP $35.99 for the Blu-ray). Extras on the Blu-ray will include 3 featurettes (The Untitled Rick Howard Project, How Do You Share Your Life with Somebody, and Her: Love in the Modern Age).  [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We’ve got two more Blu-ray reviews for you today: Our own Tim Salmons continues his Scream Factory marathon with a look at their recent Cat People: Collector’s Edition and also Beneath. Enjoy!

In release news today, the best announcement is that HBO has officially set True Detective: Season One for Blu-ray and DVD release on 6/10 (SRP $79.98 and $59.99). We’ll post additional details as they become available. Great damn show – we highly recommend it if you haven’t seen it yet. And with only 8 episodes, it’s an easy binge watch.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents
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