Displaying items by tag: Black Test Car BD

All right, we’ve got a little surprise for you all today...

Arrow Video has just joined Team 4K! They’ve apparently licensed the North American rights from Studio Canal to Flash Gordon (1980) in the US and Canada and are delivering the film on both Blu-ray and 4K Ultra HD in August. Each will be available in both regular and Limited Editions.

They’ve also licensed the rights (from Universal) to David Twohy’s Pitch Black (2000) on Blu-ray and 4K in North America and the UK and are bringing that title out in August as well!

Additional Blu-ray only titles coming in August from Arrow Video are a double feature of Yasuzo Masumura’s Black Test Car (1962) and The Black Report (1963) and Richard Driscoll’s The Comic (1985). The Comic will also be available in regular and Limited Editions. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents