Gripe Soda
Wednesday, 22 May 2013 14:56

Welcome to Todd Doogan's Gripe Soda!

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What the hell is Gripe Soda – besides sounding utterly delicious and featuring the Kirby-est banner ever made?  It’s me rebranding myself because I was bored with my old Doogan’s Views column.  So yeah.  Is it any different?  Probably not.  It will most likely be updated about as much, honestly.  But Bill is a stubborn man and he’s a master at Jewish Guilt-Fu, so he’s likely to make me write something here at least once a month, if not more.

So what can you expect when I do?  Gripes.  Me, bitching and moaning about all the little insignificant things that seem to piss only me off, as it turns out.  I love movies, but I have become a hater of the industry built around home media.  I see doomsday on the horizon and it upsets me.  But rather than be that old dude with the sandwich board that read “The End Is Nigh” I choose to keep my mouth shut.  So, instead of columns about nothing very interesting, maybe I’ll write up a spotlight/appreciation of a filmmaker I like timed to a upcoming release… or I’ll do a numbered list that’s all the craze on the Internets these days.  Or maybe I’ll link to cat videos or tell you to watch a TV show that I like.  I dunno, I’m spit-balling here.

But actually… yeah, speaking of TV shows I like: the best cartoon on television since Invader Zim – and I’m talking about The Venture Bros. mind you – will be coming back to us on June 2, so turn to Adult Swim and be there to watch the double episode premiere.  Show my buddies Jackson and Doc how much you love them (and full-disclosure alert: I work at Adult Swim, but I’m only saying this because I truly love The Venture Bros. Power Half-Hour).  For those of you who haven’t been exposed to greatness and have no idea what show I’m talking about, catch up with everything you need to know with this handy dandy recap video and marvel at the wonder you’ve missed out on (but know that you haven’t totally missed the boat yet – be sure to watch in 720p for best effect)...

Anyway, I’m back on The Bits and it feels good.  Be sure to either thank Bill for pulling me out of my spider hole, or send venom his way with a good ol’ “What the hell were you thinking?” *

Until I’m kicked out… I am, and always will be, your pal,

- Unckie Doogan


* [Editor’s Note: The Digital Bits and its other staffers are no way responsible for the content of this column.  Doogan can be reached for comment here.  We now return you to his semi-irregular postings.]


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