Displaying items by tag: Todd Doogan, Gripe Soda, The Venture Bros, Invader Zim, Doogan's Views, Adult Swim

Wednesday, 10 December 2014 13:27

Doogan’s Queue for December 9, 2014

This is both a good week and a terrible week. You’ll see why below.

But first – since this is Christmas Month – how about a list? Here are my favorite Christmas movies where Christmas is in the background but nowhere near the point of the film. Please to enjoy. [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Tuesday, 02 December 2014 14:25

Doogan’s Queue for December 2, 2014

I’m still full from Thanksgiving, boy howdy. My Mom cooks up a mean Turkey.

Welcome to the last month of 2014. Christmas is coming fast, and with it a new year. Jeez, this year swam on by. I guess the older you get, the quicker time progresses. I remember being a kid and feeling like it took forever to get through a year. Now, it seems like yesterday I was at Comic-Con. Oh well. Enough about that – let’s look at another light week. But one filled with one major, huge thing that I want – for no good reason.  [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Tuesday, 25 November 2014 13:08

Doogan’s Queue for November 25, 2014

Happy Turkey Week my fellow Americans. For those of you in other parts of the world who have no idea and question my sanity; this Thursday a whole bunch of us will be sitting down with our gathered family members to eat a turkey, mashed potatoes and good ol’ American can-shaped jellied cranberry to celebrate ... something. I try and stay out of the politics of holidays when food is involved. In my world, it’s all about family. And the Dallas Cowboy and Detroit Lions football games. Did I mention we watch football games too. No? We do that as well. I don’t know why.

Anyway, in honor of this occasion, here’s a list of good Thanksgiving movies. In no particular order – thus, alphabetized.  [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Tuesday, 18 November 2014 12:54

Doogan’s Queue for November 18, 2014

No list again this week – and no stroll down memory lane, either. This week is straight column with a full disc review on the side.

22 Jump Street – I can’t say I am too much of a fan of these films. The first one was cute and I remember scenes more than the movie itself. This one, I couldn’t remember a day after seeing it. Or did I see it? I don’t remember. See?   [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Tuesday, 11 November 2014 12:02

Doogan’s Queue for November 11, 2014

Not only am I a huge movie fan – I also love to read. Novels, short stories and comics; I’ll read the back of a can of ravioli – I don’t care. My mother is mostly responsible. In my summers growing up, she would assign me books to read and for some reason I did it without argument. It was mostly the classics: Robinson Crusoe, Moby Dick, 20,000 Leagues – the good stuff. She would also filter in things like Jaws because she knew I loved monsters. When I started to read stuff on my own – unassigned – I gravitated to Stephen King, gobbling up his stuff like it was going out of style.  [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Thursday, 30 October 2014 14:52

Doogan’s Queue for October 28, 2014

It’s time for GripeSoda’s final Halloween themed List-o-Mantic of 2014.

We did Zombies. We did Vampires. Today, I bring you the 10 Best Multiple-Murdering Movie Maniacs...  according to me.

I’m going to get some grief for this one, but it really boils down to how watchable these monsters are over the course of the films they headline. There are two on this list that, if you’re unfamiliar with, seek them out and enjoy. Notable missings (but worth mentionings): Jigsaw, Ghostface Killer and Norman Bates[Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Tuesday, 21 October 2014 13:47

Doogan’s Queue for October 21, 2014

Welcome back to GripeSoda’s List-o-Mantic.

Zombies were the thing last week. Vampires is this. I bring you the 10 Best Vampire Movies according to me.

This go-round, I’m including likeminded films in the same number standing – so rather than sequels or series, this time, it’s versions. Basically it’s kind of a potpourri of the best Dracula films at number 3 and the films you should check out to embrace Nosferatu (who, I know is Dracula, but just stop and let me have my dang list please). Please to enjoy what I think about Vamps.  [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Tuesday, 14 October 2014 12:53

Doogan’s Queue for October 14, 2014

For the next few weeks I am going to give a Halloween service. The Internet loves quick lists so I’m going to give you a couple.

This week I’m going to tell you the 10 Best Zombie Movies (according to Doogan’s View – I’m going old school on you). To make it easier – if it’s a series, I’m including all the films of that series as one.   [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Tuesday, 07 October 2014 02:01

Doogan’s Queue for October 7, 2014

Well, it looks like all that hinting Lynch and Frost have been doing has paid off: Twin Peaks is coming back to TV in 2016. That’s pretty baller. There aren’t a lot of shows I would like to see return, but a few make sense. One is X-Files. I was never a terribly big fan of the show in its later years, but I do think it had an interesting mythology that could easily come back. Deadwood is another that needs to return. I’d also love Firefly (obviously), Party Down and just for my friends with hard-ons for it – Star Trek. Let’s hope some of these come back too.

While we wait, let’s look at some of the titles coming out this week to DVD and Blu-ray.  [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
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