Displaying items by tag: TV Shows on DVD

All right, first things first today. You may recall that recently (as part of our Back the Bits call to arms here at the site) we mentioned how tough it is to keep a good independent media website going on the Internet these days. Believe me, it is. No kidding.

So it’s with sadness that we tip our hats today in honor of our friends Gord Lacey, Dave Lambert, and their fine TVShowonDVD.com website, which has sadly gone dark after 18 years of great service to home media enthusiasts. They intend to continue on social media (visit the page for the links), but we’re sad to see their website go away regardless.

Gord, Dave… we love you guys. Thank you for 18 great years. And thanks too for your friendship. You have ours always. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents