My Two Cents

Displaying items by tag: Jeff Kleist, Microsoft, Xbox One, Sony, PlayStation 4, GameStop

As we’ve been promising you Jeff Kleist’s follow-up report on Microsoft’s Xbox One announcement for a couple days now, we thought we’d give it to you in its own post to separate it from all of today’s other news.  So here’s Jeff to fill you in on the details and to offer a little informed opinion (though his own and not necessarily that of The Bits as a whole)…

“With the Xbox One announcement yesterday there has been a huge amount of traffic in the Twitter-verse and not all of it is excitement.  The elephant in the room, at least for gamers, has been the supposed blocking of used games by Microsoft’s console, a technology that is also part of Sony’s forthcoming PS4.  There is truth to this, but many fans online have blown it entirely out of proportion.  PC gaming, especially the hugely popular Steam service, has been blocking resale of games, tying them to one account for all of eternity via some kind of serial number.  This feature is completely optional and up to the manufacturer of the game in question.

Published in My Two Cents

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