Displaying items by tag: Doogan's Queue

Tuesday, 12 August 2014 12:42

Doogan’s Queue for August 12, 2014

This is a pretty, pretty big week for release volume. Lots and lots of stuff come to store shelves, so break out your check books. I know I am.

Batman: Assault on Arkham – Technically this animation falls into the Arkham videogame world and not the DCAU - but when you’re watching a film about the Suicide Squad, who cares. The Squad is tasked by Waller to infiltrate Arkham Asylum to kill Riddler while Batman is tracking down a dirty bomb set by The Joker. Action packed fun all around, and I can’t wait. [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Tuesday, 05 August 2014 03:17

Doogan’s Queue for August 5, 2014

In case you were wondering, I left the Twin Peaks box set off my list last week because I was pretty sure it was going to get some heavy coverage from Bill or Adam, and I figured me writing a sentence about it was going to be pointless. Adam spent the better part of last week nose deep in the set, so that review should be up already [Editor’s Note: It is. You can find it here.] or it’s coming very soon. Having seen it with my own eyes, I have to say they whole thing: from package to content is pretty awesome. That Charlie guy is a good cat. This week is a bit light, but there is some good stuff regardless. Let’s check it out... [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Tuesday, 29 July 2014 14:56

Doogan’s Queue for July 29, 2014

Comic-Con is complete. And with this last list, so is July. One more Summer month and we enter the Fall. Not a whole lot of major releases coming in this week, but there are some good classics. Let’s jump right in while I deal with my Con hangover. [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Wednesday, 23 July 2014 10:03

Doogan’s Queue for July 23, 2014

It’s Comic-Con week, it’s Comic-Con week, it’s Comic-Con week. Odds are, right now as you read this, I’m drunk somewhere in California. If you’re a bettin’ folk, make that bet. This week is chock-a-block with titles of varying awesomeness in their field of genre - all across the board there’s something cool. Sci-fi: check. Horror: check. Fantasy: check. Foreign: check. TV: check. I’m not kidding you. Check this shiznit out! [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Wednesday, 16 July 2014 12:45

Doogan’s Queue for July 16, 2014

Howdy folks! July is cooking on by, isn’t it? Here we are at the mid-way point and it feels like it was June yesterday. But never mind that, you’re not here to hear about my thoughts on time passage dynamics. You’re here to see what’s streetin’ this week. Not much it turns out, but there are some choice cuts. let’s check them out, shall we? [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Tuesday, 08 July 2014 12:35

Doogan’s Queue for July 8, 2014

July is here and that means only one thing – San Diego Comic-Con is in the air. So many executives and filmmaking superstars, comic book artists & writers, bloggers, journalists and all the important personal friends they can get on the VIP lists for tickets flood the streets of that great SoCal city fighting to be the first that sees a trailer, buys an expensive book, toy and/or commissions a head sketch of their favorite superhero for 800 bucks. Ah, sweet, sweet commerce. And you know, there may even be a few legitimate fans if they were fast enough to get the 300 tickets available for them. Everyone else can just cosplay and stand around the Gaslamp Quarter waiting for trolleys to pass while girls in hot shorts hand out postcards to music venues with a mild sci-fi theme. You might think I hold this event in distain – I don’t. I’m just calling in what it is. And I wouldn’t miss it for the world. And with that, let’s look at this week’s releases to disc media, shall we? [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
Tuesday, 01 July 2014 12:54

Doogan’s Queue for July 1, 2014

Well, that’s one more birthday week down. How many more do I have, you think? 5, 12, 40? Kind of a suck-ass question really, so never mind. Don’t send your predictions. Because this is a big travel holiday here in the states, it’s pretty dead in terms of disc media. Pretty much nothing really coming out of note. But if you dig through mucus, you might find some pearls. Here are some bright and shinys for you to entertain yourselves with. [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda
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