Displaying items by tag: Brightburn 4K

We’re back! I have returned from North Dakota, rested, and am now going to be posting like gangbusters here at The Bits, with all kind of Blu-ray, DVD, and 4K release news, catch-up, and whatnot.

First up this morning, today is Amazon Prime Day! As you probably now if you’ve been following The Bits for any length of time, our Amazon affiliate links play a big part in helping us to keep the site going in lean Internet advertising times. So... if you’re planning to do any shopping from Amazon today (or any day), please consider clicking to them from one of our links first (like this one). It makes a huge difference for us. So thank you for doing so!

Now then, Tim and Dennis have been very busy posting Blu-ray reviews this past week here at The Bits and we want to direct your attention to them. We now have reviews up for Lionsgate’s The Evil Dead (1981) in 4K, Scream’s Night of the Creeps: Collector’s Edition, Silent Hill: Collector’s Edition, and Piranha: Limited Edition Steelbook, Arrow Video’s American Horror Project: Volume Two, The Andromeda Strain, and FM, Severin Films’ Robowar, and Grindhouse Releasing’s The Tough Ones (1976) from Tim, as well as Warner’s Shazam!, Arrow Academy’s The Big Clock (1948), and Twilight Time’s Stagecoach (1966) from Dennis. Do be sure to check them all out.

Also, San Diego Comic Con kicks off this week and if you’re going to be there, Bits editor and author Bill Hunt (yours truly) is on two panels at the Con... [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents

We’ve got a couple interesting things for you this afternoon before we get to today’s release news...

First up, reviews... I’ve posted my in-depth thoughts on Tim Burton’s Batman (1989) in 4K Ultra HD here at The Bits and will have reviews of Batman Returns, Batman Forever, and Batman & Robin in 4K over the next few days. The upshot of this first Batman film in 4K is that Warner’s new transfer and Atmos mix are terrific, but the HDR may take a little getting used to and a few of the sound effects have been changed for reasons explained in the review. You can read that here.

Also, Tim has posted a review of Archer: Danger Island – The Complete Season Nine on DVD from Fox and Dennis has looked at Isn’t It Romantic on Blu-ray from Warner.

And some of you may know that this past weekend was the 40th anniversary of Ridley Scott’s original Alien (1979). So our own Michael Coate has posted a new History, Legacy, and Showmanship retrospective column looking back at the film’s theatrical release. It includes a great new roundtable of experts to discuss the film, including authors Chris Barsanti, Paul M. Sammon, and J.W. Rinzler (whose new book The Making of Alien is coming in July). You can read the piece here and if you’re a fan of the film, I think you’ll really enjoy it. [Read on here...]

Published in My Two Cents