My Two Cents

Items filtered by date: August 2014

[Editor’s Note: Be sure to like page on Facebook for great Blu-ray, DVD and film discussion with other readers and for live updates on your mobile device when new content is posted here!]

We’re kicking things off here at The Bits today with a new Blu-ray review featuring Tim’s thoughts on Scream Factory’s Leviathan. Do check it out.

Also today, our own Todd Doogan chimes in a couple days late (he’ll explain why) with his usually Doogan’s Queue column running down the latest Blu-ray and DVDs in stores this week.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents
Thursday, 04 September 2014 13:34

Doogan’s Queue for September 2, 2014

Sorry to hit you guys a little late this week. I blew out my ankle right before a long holiday weekend and wasn’t able to see a doctor until yesterday. Immobility sucks. Unending pain sucks. Getting old sucks. But because I’m the cool older cousin you all deserve, I wanted to chime in in-between bouts of sobriety and numbness while I could. It’s going to be a short one, but it’s something.

Though, when we get to the end, you’ll see why I told Bill I wasn’t willing to take a by-week.  [Read on here…]

Published in Gripe Soda

[Editor’s Note: Be sure to like page on Facebook for great Blu-ray, DVD and film discussion with other readers and for live updates on your mobile device when new content is posted here!]

More announcements today…

Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has set Deliver Us from Evil for release on Blu-ray, DVD and digital on 10/28. Extras on both discs versions will include director’s commentary and the Illuminating Evil: Making Deliver Us from Evil featurette. The Blu-ray will exclusively add 3 more featurettes (Deliver Us from Demons, The Two Sergeants, and The Demon Detective). [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents

[Editor’s Note: Be sure to like page on Facebook for great Blu-ray, DVD and film discussion with other readers and for live updates on your mobile device when new content is posted here!]

Good afternoon, Bits readers. Hope you guys here in the States all had a find long Labor day weekend. And for the rest of you, a properly tolerable Monday.

Because of the holiday, today’s post is a little light on news and columns. Though our own Russell Hammond has once again posted the weekly update of the Release Dates & Artwork section, featuring all the latest Blu-ray and DVD cover artwork, as well as pre-order links.  [Read on here…]

Published in My Two Cents
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