My Two Cents
Okay, we’re closing out the week with a couple of new Blu-ray Disc reviews…
First up today, Joe Marchese has turned in a review of Cohen Media Group’s Perfect Understanding on Blu-ray Disc. This 1933 film, directed by Cyril Gardner, is now available on Blu-ray. Also today, Dr. Adam Jahnke rounds things out this morning with a review of Scream Factory’s Ninja III: The Domination! This 1984 oddball classic arrived in stores on Blu-ray this past Tuesday. It’s not often you’ll see Jahnke use the word ‘jazzercise’ in a Blu-ray review, but here it is. Enjoy!
We’ve got a couple more great new Blu-ray Disc reviews for you guys today. First up, Joe Marchese has dropped in with his analysis of Jacques Audiard’s recent Rust and Bone (De rouille et d’os), now available on Blu-ray from Sony Pictures Classics. Also this morning, Tim has given Paramount’s Hansel & Gretel: Witch Hunters (Unrated Cut) a spin. The disc arrived in stores on Tuesday.
Not to be outdone, Mario Boucher has a new Inside Cinema column for you looking at the history of the Fast & Furious franchise. Do give it a look.
All right, just a quick heads-up today. I’ve got limited e-mail and Internet connection all week here so release news updates may be a little slim for the next few days. Rest assured though, I’ll check back when contact is restored to update you all on any major announcement news.
In the meantime, Michael Coate returns again this morning with another new History, Legacy & Showmanship column detailing the roadshow engagement history of Fox’s Cleopatra, which is newly released on Blu-ray Disc and officially celebrates its 50th anniversary today. Enjoy!
Also today, we’ve got Jeff Kleist’s new review of Disney’s Oz: The Great and Powerful on Blu-ray 3D for you – sounds like a great 3D experience but the lack of extras on the BD3D version is an epic fail. FYI, the disc arrived in stores yesterday.
Morning, folks! Hope you’re all enjoying your Tuesday so far.
The good Doctor has checked in with his weekly Burnt Offerings column updating you all on the latest Warner Archive MOD releases for this week. He’s also included a review of Warner Archive’s A Guy Named Joe, now available on DVD-R from the company. Enjoy!
Adam’s not done today though – he’s also turned in a review of Shout! and Scream Factory’s new Blu-ray release of The Howling: Collector’s Edition, which streets on 6/18. Yet again, Scream has delivered another great title, so do check out Adam’s review.
Also here at the site today, Russell Hammond has posted the weekly Release Dates & Artwork update with all the latest Blu-ray, DVD and Video Game cover artwork and pre-order links. As always, a portion of anything you order from Amazon in the same session after clicking though to them from our links goes to help support our work here at The Bits and we really do appreciate it.
Now then, we wanted to let you Los Angeles area reader know about a couple of cool screening events coming up in Hollywood this weekend. On Friday night (6/14 – 7:30 PM), The Egyptian Theatre is hosting a screening of the original 1978 Battlestar Galactica feature film! The following evening (Saturday, 6/15 – 7:30 PM), they’re showing 1974’s Earthquake. Both films are being shown with special speakers installed to recreate the original Sensurround experience! Our good friends Joe Russo II and James A. Fino are programming the screenings, and I’m pleased to tell you that our very own Jeff Kleist and I have been working with them to arrange some pretty cool special guests for the Battlestar screening! We can’t confirm who’s coming just yet, but the plan is for members of the cast and crew to participate in a Q&A after the screening, and there may be the chance to purchase autographs as well. It’s going to be pretty cool, so be sure to visit the American Cinematheque website for all the details and to purchase tickets.
That’s all for now. Stay tuned!
- Bill Hunt
All right, we’re pleased as punch today to offer you a brand new History, Legacy & Showmanship column by our very own Michael Coate! In this installment, Michael goes in depth on last year’s 50th anniversary of the James Bond franchise by interviewing a roundtable of leading (and published) authorities on the subject, including Jon Burlingame, John Cork, Bill Desowitz, Paul Duncan, Charles Helfenstein, Mark O’Connell, Lee Pfeiffer, Steven Jay Rubin, Bruce Scivally and Dave Worrall! It’s a really great read, so we hope you all check it out and enjoy 007… Fifty Years Strong: An Interview with Bond Historians!
Also today, the good Dr. Jahnke has turned in a review of Shout! and Scream Factory’s hot new Blu-ray release of the Lifeforce: Collector’s Edition, which hits stores on 6/18. It’s another terrific release from Scream, so you’re definitely not going to want to miss it.