My Two Cents
Saturday, 25 May 2013 16:00

Michael Coate joins The Bits staff with a look back at Return of the Jedi!

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Afternoon, folks!  Well… I promised you guys that we’d check in with a little something fun for you Star Wars fans today and indeed here we are.

We’re officially pleased to welcome writer and film historian Michael Coate to The Bits staff today as a new regular Contributing Editor!  Michael is launching a new column here at the site called History, Legacy & Showmanship.  His first piece for us is a massively-detailed look back at opening day for the film Return of the Jedi, which celebrates its 30th Anniversary today! 

Michael’s an old friend – we used to write together at Widescreen Review magazine back in the very early days of DVD.  He’s a great writer, he sweats all the details and we think you’re really going to enjoy his future contributions to The Bits.  So be sure to check out his new column and drop him an e-mail to welcome him aboard.

Now then… have a great long Memorial Day weekend and we’ll see you back here on Tuesday!

- Bill Hunt


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