My Two Cents
Wednesday, 28 January 2015 18:18

Boxtrolls reviewed, plus SEVEN more classic BD reviews added to The Bits & a Universal Monsters Amazon deal

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[Editor’s Note: Be sure to like page on Facebook for breaking news, site updates on the go, discussion with our staff and other readers, giveaways and more!]

All right, there’s not a lot of release news today, so I thought we’d catch up on some Blu-ray reviews...

First up today, we have a new review from our own Tim Salmons of Universal and Laika’s excellent The Boxtrolls on Blu-ray. It’s a great little film, and we always love seeing stop-motion animation get its due in this time when CG seems to dominate for such titles.  [Read on here…]

This afternoon we’re also continuing our work to get all of our older Blu-ray reviews (from the original Bits website) into the new review database. As such, I’ve just added my own “retro” reviews of Starship Troopers, the Top Gun: Special Collector’s Edition, Patriot Games, The Sum of All Fears, The Hunt for Red October, and the Transformers: Two-Disc Special Edition on Blu-ray, along with Barrie Maxwell’s thoughts on Knowing on Blu-ray. Longtime readers will probably have seen these before, but if you’re new to The Bits, they’ll be all-new for you and they’re good reading. So enjoy!

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Also today, we wanted to let you know that is running a great deal currently on the Universal Classic Monsters: Complete 30-Film Collection on DVD. The SRP is $199.98, but Amazon has it for just $79.99 (or 60% off) right now. Keep in mind that many of these films were released previously only on DVD-18 “flipper” discs that have since gone bad as the bonding layer decayed. This new set includes them all on regular one-sided DVD-9 discs, so they should last much longer. Amazon is also running a sale today on the Universal Classic Monsters: The Essential Collection Blu-ray set. SRP is usually $149.98, but right now it’s selling for just $66.49 (or 56% off). Be sure to take advantage if you’re interested, and remember that doing so through our links helps support our work here at The Bits and we really do appreciate it!

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Back tomorrow with new announcement news and some more Blu-ray reviews as well. Stay tuned...

Bill Hunt


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