My Two Cents
Wednesday, 08 July 2015 12:55

Blu-ray News – Brad Bird’s Iron Giant: Signature Edition, plus new reviews & see you at Comic-Con!

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[Editor’s Note: Be sure to like page on Facebook for breaking news, site updates on the go, discussion with our staff and other readers, giveaways and more!]

All right, this is our last post until Friday, as we’re off to Comic-Con. A couple things first…

We’ve posted a couple more Blu-ray reviews for you to enjoy today, featuring Joe Marchese’s thoughts on Invitation to a Gunfighter (1964) and Jim Hemphill’s take on War-Gods of the Deep (1965), both new on Blu-ray from Kino Lorber.

Also, we’re going to have a new Inside Cinema column from Mario Boucher looking at The Terminator films tomorrow. Watch for that to appear in the Latest Column area on the left side of the page there.  [Read on here…]

Now then… one of the things it looks like we may learn about down at Comic-Con is that Warner Home Video may be planning to release The Iron Giant: Signature Edition back into theaters (as a Fathom Event here) on 9/30, and also on Blu-ray this fall. The film will apparently be remastered with new scenes. As you know, we reported way back in April of last year (see here) that director Brad Bird was in talks with the studio about releasing the film on the format. It seems that the studio is going to be heavily promoting the title down at the Con as both a Fathom theatrical re-release event (remastered with new scenes) and also on Blu-ray, including with a massive statue of the robot from the film, all of which was just promoted by Bird in a Tweet today. You can see the image he tweeted at the left there.

Just a reminder, our Digital Bits panel at Comic-Con takes place at 1PM on Thursday in room 23ABC, featuring a discussion about Blu-ray, the creation of the Prelude to Axanar Blu-ray, and the Star Trek: Axanar feature film itself (a project I’m proud to say I’m a part of along with our other Con panelists, Alec Peters, Charles de Lauzirika, Robert Meyer Burnett, and Cliff Stephenson). We’re also going to be showing you the first scene from the film live in HD on the big screen. We’re going to have Q&A and lots of cool giveaways too. Don’t miss it!

If anything interesting breaks while we’re down at the Con, or I’m able to take pictures of anything Blu-ray related, I’ll post them on my own Facebook page (you’re welcome to friend me there, though do keep in mind it’s my personal page, so it’s not all Blu-ray there) and also on The Bits Facebook page (make sure you’ve liked it to see).

With that, we’ll be back on Friday! See you then!

Bill Hunt


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